Many people I met are much worried about their height.
So here are some tips to how to increase your height after 18+.
So here are some tips to how to increase your height after 18+.
First and the most common is to exercise and do morning walk. This makes you grow well.
2 Eat as much breakfast as you can up to fill. This makes your metabolism* strong. Try to eat less meal but after every 2-3 hours.
3) The most important point is to sleep well. It is the dark or night time that matters for your growth. As muscles grow in dark only. Try to sleep in absolute dark or least light to make your muscles relax and they will grow well.
4) Try to keep your head and neck as much straight as possible. Your spinal cord will suppress your height increase if you bow your head most of the time.
5) Never do immoral acts as this suppresses your primary growth(increase of height, muscles etc) and initiate your secondary growth (puberty).
6) Finally, there is an homeopathic pill named "Baryta Carbonicam**" which is a great pill to increase your height with absolutely 0% side effects and is very cheap. (I spent Rs130, less than 2$)
2 Eat as much breakfast as you can up to fill. This makes your metabolism* strong. Try to eat less meal but after every 2-3 hours.
3) The most important point is to sleep well. It is the dark or night time that matters for your growth. As muscles grow in dark only. Try to sleep in absolute dark or least light to make your muscles relax and they will grow well.
4) Try to keep your head and neck as much straight as possible. Your spinal cord will suppress your height increase if you bow your head most of the time.
5) Never do immoral acts as this suppresses your primary growth(increase of height, muscles etc) and initiate your secondary growth (puberty).
6) Finally, there is an homeopathic pill named "Baryta Carbonicam**" which is a great pill to increase your height with absolutely 0% side effects and is very cheap. (I spent Rs130, less than 2$)
Disclaimer: I'm not an official advertiser of this product nor i get any kind of profit from its sale.
*Metabolism: The overall reactions of your body
** Baryta Carbonicam it is a homeopathic pill. I personally used it and after 3-4 doses of it have 2 inches increase in my height after 20+. Please do not use it without the advice of an homeopathic doctor.
*Metabolism: The overall reactions of your body
** Baryta Carbonicam it is a homeopathic pill. I personally used it and after 3-4 doses of it have 2 inches increase in my height after 20+. Please do not use it without the advice of an homeopathic doctor.

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